remove unwanted hair!
Permanently Remove Unwanted Hair
Laser hair removal is a simple process by a licensed and certified laser technician. Here’s how it works:
A certified technician applies laser light to the area of unwanted hair. The light emitted by the laser target the hair and follicle, destroying the hair at the root to prevent it from growing back.
Hair grows in three different phases; for the laser to be effective, the hair needs to be in the growth phase which is why multiple treatments are required. To capture each hair in the growth phase, you must have several sessions roughly four weeks apart.
If you’re fed up with tweezing, spending money on expensive razor blades, and making waxing appointments, it’s time to consider laser hair removal treatment. The side effects of laser are minimal, and when the area size is small, treatment sessions only take a few minutes.
Laser hair removal is safe, effective, and FDA-approved.